* Added link to 24 in first paragraph
* Added bottom two paragraphs (about custom friends filters and the private option, with client warning)
* Added paragraph #4 (polls)
* Added bullet item #5 (polls)
* Added last paragraph (about friends pages)
* Removed W3C link (outside links are bad)
* "Dumbed-down" some of the explanations of HTML in third paragraph
* General grammar cleanup
* Removed all Windows-specific client references and instead suggested that users of clients check menu options.
* Added a warning under "MIXING IT ALL UP" to close all bloody tags that you open.
* Split out the warning about losing text into the paragraph starting BE CAREFUL
* Text completely rewritten based on text from
* Includes mention of subject view
* Removed all references to generating invite codes
* General grammar and parallelism cleanup
* Link to 142 (new FAQ)
Also added How do I generate my invite codes, and how do I invite someone else to join LiveJournal? and Why can't I edit my user bio, interests, or entries?