FAQ 131 (Paid Account Benefits)
Removed bullet point for finding users with similar interests, as that's available for free users as well.
Changed wording of bullet point about syndication to more accurately reflect paid users' ability to create feeds and add more feeds than free users (since free users can add feeds now too).
FAQ 77 (What is a community?)
Substantially rewritten to give more information about how communities work.
FAQ 57 (How can I help?)
Bullet point about lj_userdoc added. FAQ was also changed to refer to the new Suggestions FAQ (164). See link below for that.
FAQ 134 (Comment Screening)
FAQ 164 (Suggestions)
FAQ 6 (image posting in entries)
Changed to use the example.com URLs and better generic picture names. See immediately previous entry; just including this for completeness' sake.
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