The second paragraph currently reads:
Once you've created the new account, you can proceed to the Create Community page (, where you can convert the new account into a community. You will need to be logged in as the account that will become the community maintainer ( At the Create Community page, under the "Community Account" section, enter the username and password for the account you want to convert to a community. You can change most of the community's settings while you're logged in as yourself.
Well, because of the new y'all-can't-make-a-community-unless-there-ain't-no-entries-left-in-it rule, we need to add a small sentence. Well, actually, it's a second independent clause attached to another independent one, creating a compound sentence, but that is a minor detail. The clause?
and the journal you are converting to a community must not have any entries in it.
Look for it.
Once you've created the new account, you can proceed to the Create Community page (, where you can convert the new account into a community. You will need to be logged in as the account that will become the community maintainer (, and the journal you are converting to a community must not have any entries in it. At the Create Community page, under the "Community Account" section, enter the username and password for the account you want to convert to a community. You can change most of the community's settings while you're logged in as yourself.