Stone Butterfly (stonebutterfly) wrote in lj_userdoc,
Stone Butterfly

Interest Guide Update

Currently the text of the Interest Guide does not mention the character limit on interests. I'd just like to propose an update that includes the character limit. I've cut'n'pasted the actual doc below with the only change being that addition (I didn't take out the directory references because I wasn't sure how soon the directory may be coming back.. otherwise, could also cut out that last part under "How Interests are Used" that is full of directory links that don't work right now) :


This Guide will take you step-by-step through the process of adding Interests to your Personal Info and using them to become involved with others with similar preferences. It might be useful to open the Personal Info and

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a [...] ://>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

Currently the text of the Interest Guide does not mention the character limit on interests. I'd just like to propose an update that includes the character limit. I've cut'n'pasted the actual doc below with the only change being that addition (I didn't take out the directory references because I wasn't sure how soon the directory may be coming back.. otherwise, could also cut out that last part under "How Interests are Used" that is full of directory links that don't work right now) :
<P><span class="heading">Interests</span>

<br />This Guide will take you step-by-step through the process of adding <a href=>Interests</a> to your <a href=>Personal Info</a> and using them to become involved with others with similar preferences. It might be useful to open the <a href=>Personal Info</a> and <a href=http ://>Interests</a> pages in a separate windows, so you can follow along with this one.

<br /><img src="" width="1" vspace="6" height="1"><br /><b>How To List Interests</b><br>
You're given an opportunity to list your Interests when you create your LiveJournal. Then, you can add or remove Interests at any time on your <a href=>Personal Info</a> page. Interests are best listed as single words, separated by a comma. While you may have an Interest consisting of more words, the limit is four words with one space between each. Whether your interest is a single word or multiple words, there is a 35 character limit per interest. If you submit an interest using more than 35 characters, it will not show up on your User Info page. There is an overall limit of 150 Interests per journal.

<br /><img src="" width="1" vspace="6" height="1"><br /><b>How Interests Are Used</b><br>
When you add an Interest, it's automatically entered into the database. If anyone else shares that interest, it will show up as a link on your <a href=>User Info</a> page once you reload it. Clicking an Interest link brings up a list of all users that have listed that Interest. You can also <a href=>search for people by Interest</a>, <a href=>look up the most popular Interests</a>, and there's even a <a href=>search utility that allows you to find people with the most Interests in common with a particular user</a>.

<br /><img src="" width="1" vspace="6" height="1"><br /><b>When Interests Don't Appear As Links</b><br>
This can happen for a number of reasons. It is possible that there is a typographical error in that Interest. Or, you could have an especially unique Interest such as <a href=>margarine</a>. In other cases you may have used a variant on a more common version of an interest; say, you may have used "<a href=>camping trips</a>" while most people use "<a href=>camping</a>". In any event, it's a always a good idea to check your <a href=>User Info</a> page from time to time, to see if anyone new has hooked up.

<br /><img src="" width="1" vspace="6" height="1"><br /><b>When Many People Share An Interest</b><br>
Then it's time to <a href=>create a Community</a>!
Tags: cat-notifs, faq60

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