FunBux™ Commissioner (gerg) wrote in lj_userdoc,
FunBux™ Commissioner

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"What is Syndication?" FAQ (Proposal/Sample)

Okay, below here is my draft of a "What is Syndication?" FAQ. I'd be more than willing to take suggestions for improvement, or changes that you think should be made. I saw the old post about this, and the conclusion seemed to be "make a new proposal", so here we go (Please note that I think this should be added to the beginning of FAQ 137 - there's not really enough material to justify an entirely separate FAQ page IMO - we can debate this too):

Syndication is a way to automatically receive updates from websites and have them added to your LiveJournal. It is most often used for sites that update content in an article format, like a journal or a news site. The way it works is this: First, the site you're syndicating gets updated. Then, the site updates it's syndication file with the new content. Finally, LiveJournal checks the site's syndication file, notices the new content, and creates entries and adds them to your friends page.

Syndication files are in
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<abbr="really>') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

Okay, below here is my draft of a "What is Syndication?" FAQ. I'd be more than willing to take suggestions for improvement, or changes that you think should be made. I saw the old post about this, and the conclusion seemed to be "make a new proposal", so here we go (Please note that I think this should be added to the beginning of FAQ 137 - there's not really enough material to justify an entirely separate FAQ page IMO - we can debate this too):

<lj-cut text="Behind the cut">
Syndication is a way to automatically receive updates from websites and have them added to your LiveJournal. It is most often used for sites that update content in an article format, like a journal or a news site. The way it works is this: First, the site you're syndicating gets updated. Then, the site updates it's syndication file with the new content. Finally, LiveJournal checks the site's syndication file, notices the new content, and creates entries and adds them to your friends page.

Syndication files are in <abbr="Really Simple Syndication">RSS</abbr> format. Any site that has an RSS syndication file can be added to your friends list as a syndicated account.


This is my first go at writing anything for LJ, please go easy on me (but please do suggest improvements to the entry, I know it could be better, but I don't what kind of style, etc. is being looked for.) :)

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