Before you begin to create a custom style in S2, you should become better acquainted with S2's structure and terminology, especially if you have prior experience in creating custom S1 styles.What is this "especially if you have prior experience in creating custom S1 styles" clause referring to? Why are you more likely to be able to create an S2 style without becoming acquainted with S2's stucture and terminology, if you have absolutely no clue about S1? That doesn't seem to make sense :)
I think what you meant to put was something like this?:
Before you begin to create a custom style in S2, you should become better acquainted with S2's structure and terminology. Prior experience in creating custom S1 styles is not of much use, as S1 and S2 are fundamentally different systems.As usual, my phrasing sounds horrible, so I'm hoping for some suggestions for improvement ;-)
EDIT: Reading through the FAQ more, I have two more things to "complain" about. :) Firstly, your capitalisation of "Layout (L|l)ayers" is inconsistent. Secondly, this sentence:
Note that if the URL of a page already has an argument attached such as "?nc=" or "?mode=reply", "?s2id=" would become "&s2id=".I know this is nitpicky, but it sounds as if the ? would turn into an & automatically. Instead of "X would become Y", I'd put "you will have to change X (in)to Y", or something along those lines.