A (beginning) wrote in lj_userdoc,

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Proposed revisions (FAQ #180).

The title of FAQ #180 is "How can I buy more user pictures?". The FAQ itself repeatedly refers to the purchase of additional user pictures.

Should this be changed to say "space for user pictures" or something along those lines? You're not actually buying the pictures, and if someone new to the site is scanning down the list of UPI FAQs on /support/faq.bml, they might find themselves under the impression that there's a charge for userpics, when there's really just a charge for additional space.

Here's the FAQ as it reads now:

How can I buy more user pictures?

Paid users can purchase the ability to have 50 total user pictures for a small fee. If you do not have a paid account, see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=21 for information on how to purchase a paid account.

To purchase additional user pictures, visit the Payment Center at http://www.livejournal.com/pay/ and choose the "Extra Userpics" option from the drop-down Item box.

You need to have a paid account to be able to purchase additional user pictures. Current fees for extra pictures are:

$10 USD for 12 months
$6 USD for 6 months
$2 USD for 2 months

You will only be able to use the additional user pictures for the time that you choose to pay for. When your add-on time expires, which is independent of your paid account expiration time, the system will deactivate enough of your least-used userpics to bring you to your account's usual limit. Information on user picture expiration and account limits can be found at http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=46.

You can only purchase user picture add-on time for the length of your paid account. If your paid account expires before your add-on time expires, your userpics will be inactivated, but they will be available again when you choose to pay for your account again. However, if your account is not paid for six months, your additional userpics will be removed from the server, and you will need to re-upload them if you choose to pay for your account after that point.

Here's my revision, including some other minor rewording:

How can I buy more space for user pictures?

Paid users can purchase the ability to have space for 50 total user pictures for a small fee. If you would like to purchase additional space for user pictures but do not have a paid account, see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=21 for information on how to purchase one.

Current fees for extra user picture space are:

$10 USD for 12 months
$6 USD for 6 months
$2 USD for 2 months

To purchase additional space for user pictures, visit the Payment Center at http://www.livejournal.com/pay/ and choose the "Extra Userpics" option from the drop-down Item box.

You will only be able to use the additional user pictures for the time that you choose to pay for. When your add-on time expires, which is independent of your paid account expiration time, the system will deactivate enough of your least-used userpics to bring you to your account type's standard limit. Information on user picture expiration and account limits can be found at http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=46.

You can only purchase user picture add-on time for the length of your paid account. If your paid account expires before your add-on time expires, your additional userpics will be inactivated, but they will be available again if you choose to renew your paid account in the future. However, if your account remains upaid for six months or more after expiration, your additional userpics will be removed from the server, and you will need to re-upload them if you choose to pay for your account at any time after that point.

You'll note that I also reversed the ordering of the prices and the /pay/ link paragraph since they seemed out of order to me, and I removed a redundant sentence saying that only Paid Account holders can purchase the add-on packages. I changed "usual" to "account type's standard", since a user's "usual" limit might be higher than the standard limit if they're frequently paying for additional space, and I cleaned up (in my opinion) the wording slightly in a few other places, as well.

Feedback? If nothing else, let's change all instances of "paying for userpics" references so it's not so misleading.
Tags: cat-userpics, faq180, status-resolved

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