Hello Kitty, Destroyer of Worlds (rahaeli) wrote in lj_userdoc,
Hello Kitty, Destroyer of Worlds

  • Music:

Community-specific invite userdoc thing

I'm so bloody incoherent right now it's not even funny. This is just to have something, y'all can propose changes and do updates and stuff. I just want this live and changed.

FAQ 77

paragraph 7 changed to read:

Users can become members of a community by joining it (http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=101). It is up to the maintainer of a community to decide whether to allow everybody to join or to require users to request membership (http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=79).

FAQ 101

Paragraph 3 changed to read:

All communities have a link at the top of the User Information page reading "To join this community, click here." If it is an open community, when you click this link you will be able to confirm your choice to join the community. If it is a closed community, when you click the link, the maintainers of the community will be notified of your request to join. They may then decide to add whether or not to add you to the community. Eligibility for membership in a community is determined by the owner. There is no other way to join a community, and there are no LiveJournal rules to define what an owner may or may not set as their requirements for membership.

FAQ 79

Paragraph 1 changed to read:

A community's membership may be either open or closed. In an open community, any user can go to the Community Info page and join by using a link near the top of the page. In a closed community, prospective members must click the link, which makes a request to join the community. The maintainer of the community must then approve the user's request to join the community.

Paragraph 7 edited to read:

A community's maintainer can grant posting access to individual users through the Community Management page (http://www.livejournal.com/community/manage.bml). For more information on maintaining a community after you've created it, see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=80.

FAQ 80

Totally changed to read:

If you have selected the "Open Membership" option, with posting access given to "All Members", you do not need to do anything. These options allow any LiveJournal user to obtain membership and posting access in your community without seeking your approval.

When you create a community, you decide whether membership will be open or closed, and whether all members will have posting access ( http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=79 ). If later you change your mind about how those options should be set, you can go back to http://www.livejournal.com/community/manage.bml and edit the Settings for the appropriate community.

If you allow members to join, but want to grant posting access individually, you can do this via the Community Management page ( http://www.livejournal.com/community/manage.bml ). Access the "Members" link. Here, you can grant posting access to existing members.

If you've selected to create a closed community, potential members must request community membership. At the bottom of the Community Management page (http://www.livejournal.com/community/manage.bml) you can select to be notified by email every time someone requests membership in a community you control, or you can choose only to be notified when you load the Community Management page.

When you load the Community Management page, you will see "Members, X pending" (where X is a number) if there are pending members. Clicking on the "X pending" will bring you to a page where you can accept or reject these requested memberships.

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