[link] FAQ 66 updated to add a sentence about how knowing an anonymous commenter's IP address does not mean you can figure out their LiveJournal username, assuming they have an account.
[link] FAQ 95 updated to clarify multiple-word keywords a bit more.
[link] [link] FAQ 75 fixed up to remove the '*' horizontal rules, and to replace them with headings. Also updated it to change one instance of "user" to "account", since "account" made more sense in the context.
[link] FAQ 183 updated to include a link to the File Manager for phone posts, and to note that if you delete an entry with a phone post in it, the file disappears from the File Manager too.
[link] FAQ 148 updated to say that the number of comments per entry limit is 5,000.
[link] FAQ 40 updated to include information about image placeholders.
[link] FAQ 114 updated to include info that phone post audio files may be deleted six months after your paid account expires.
[link] FAQ 50 updated to include information about making your entries friends-only/private as a way of protecting yourself from search engines.
[link] FAQ 115 updated to say that adding livejournal.com to your e-mail's address book may help with spam filtering.
[link] Fixed typos in FAQ 51, FAQ 16, and FAQ 1. FAQ 95's wording changed a bit. FAQ 75's info about "lj://" links was made clearer.
[link] FAQ 15 was almost entirely rewritten to include information about freezing/unfreezing comments, and deleting entire threads (thank you
[link] Paid Accounts category changes:
- FAQ 21: All instances of "paid account" were replaced with "Paid Account", and other minor changes.
- FAQ 44: All instances of "paid account" were replaced with "Paid Account", the payment information was replaced with a link back to FAQ 21, and other minor changes.
- FAQ 114: All instances of "paid account" were replaced with "Paid Account", the link to http://www.livejournal.com/paidaccounts/status.bml was added, and other minor changes.
- FAQ 69: All instances of "paid account" were replaced with "Paid Account", and other minor changes.