The mood guide seems horribly out of date -- not just because of the how-to-create instructions, but because it has a lot of information on what mood themes are and how they're displayed. I've tried rewriting this FAQ to incorporate the good information and not link directly to the guide; if we want to link to the guide instead, is there any way of editing it?
Also? This probably shouldn't go live until the moodtheme creator actually /works/. Ahem.
Old text is in italics, for the record.
The ability to create custom mood themes is limited to Paid or Permanent Accounts. If you do not have a Paid Account and would like to create your own custom mood theme, you will first need to get a Paid Account (
Mood themes can be created and edited at When defining or editing a mood theme, you can enter the URL and image dimensions for the image you wish to use for a given mood. Some moods can optionally inherit the mood image from higher-level moods, which means that you do not need to separately define the URL and dimensions for the inherited moods.
Mood themes can also be created and edited through the Admin Console ( To create a new theme, type the following command:
You will need to replace
This command will create a new mood theme, and will provide a number (the theme ID) identifying the new mood theme. If you forget the ID number, you can recover it by executing the following command:
This will list all public mood themes, followed by any mood themes that you own.
To see which moods are defined for your mood theme, execute the following command:
You will need to replace
Individual moods can be defined with the following command:
You will need to replace
You can edit one of your custom mood themes at any time with the same moodtheme_setpic command; re-defining a given mood will replace the old values with the new values.
You can preview your mood theme at
Images used in custom mood themes must be hosted by a webspace provider that allows remote loading. More information on remote loading and how to find a suitable webspace provider can be found at
Submissions for new public mood themes are currently not being accepted, due to the increase in bandwidth caused by adding mood themes.
Comments? Suggestions? Should I just hush up and go away? :)