How do I add a "Blurb" or Free Text to my journal?
Some layouts in the S2 style system allow you to enter a short piece of text that goes on your journal either as a "Blurb" or in the "About this Journal" section. This text can be added via the "Presentation" or "Sidebar" tab of the customization area at
Details on the layouts that allow this Free Text can be found at
Free Text areas can only contain plain text and cannot include any HTML formatting.
If you wish to add a Free Text area to a layout that does not support one, then you will need to create your own custom layer or style which is a benefit of a Permanent, Early Adopter or Paid account.
How do I customize my journal using S2?
What are the different S2 layer types?
How do I create a custom S2 style?
Where can I go to learn more about advanced S2 customization?
What are the different account types?
How do I buy a Paid Account?
Pick at it, suggest things and generally tear it apart plz.
Thanks :)
Oh, and if you have any suggestions for frequently asked questions in Style Systems that should be a FAQ plz poke me! Either in comments or e-mail :)