Neverending Story (decadence1) wrote in lj_userdoc,
Neverending Story

FAQ #74 Express Lane FAQ

Currently this reads: Please note that this comment is only displayed on pages that use either the XColibur or Dystopia site schemes (, and you will not see it when you are already at the front of the queue. The amount of time saved will not be visible if you saved less than 1 second.

1.        That was wholly correct but now the express lane feature has been extended. Basically the ExpressLane text can now be seen on S1/S2 pages (worked only in BML before). [changelog 1/2]

2.        Also, it'll display something like <!-- LiveJournal ExpressLane: You received this page before 0 free users! --> even if no time was saved. It's less confusing and lets users know the feature is working, even when no time was saved.

I know these changes are live because I just saw it on an S2 Component-using journal. :-)

Summary: Now something appears when viewing page source on S1, S2, Xcolibur, and Dystopia pages even if it loaded zero times faster than it would for free users.

Suggested new text: Please note that this comment is displayed only on pages that use the S1 or S2 style system, or either the XColibur or Dystopia site schemes ( If you are already at the front of the queue the comment will state you received the page before 0 (zero) free users.

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