David (tsgeisel) wrote in lj_userdoc,

  • Mood:

Mood Icons page needs...

I just created my very own mood icon set, and while I found the basic instructions wonderfully clear, I had two basic issues - the second of which was solved by re-reading the documentation more closely, so I won't even mention it:

1) There is no simple list of LJ mood icons in a hierarchical structure, with mood numbers directly linked from the page. All of the links on the page point to the preview page. So, from there, I need to select "View All" on an icon set, and then I need to select "View this theme in a hierarchical layout."

It seems to me that there should be a simple list of all available moods, perhaps even as a multi-columned chart, as opposed to one long list, but anything would be easier to use than what exists now.

Just an idea.

Edited to add: Oh yeah: http://www.livejournal.com/doc/html/moodicons.html

I mean, why make life more difficult on you? D'oh.
Tags: cat-cust-adv, faq64, status-rejected

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