This includes everything up through yesterday (10/12), plus my quick FAQ title change that I posted today.
[link] FAQ 25 updated to clarify that you can rename to an old username if it was marked as deleted and was then purged.
[link] FAQ 86 updated to fix the to-do list limits for paid accounts (it's 150, not unlimited). Also added a Further Reading section.
[link] [link] [link] FAQ 249, "What is the Schools Directory? How do I add a school?", added, then updated to state that you can hide your school info on your userinfo page, then updated to clarify exactly how you add a school to your userinfo.
[link] FAQ 79 updated to clarify that the various posting settings only affect posting entries, not comments.
[link] FAQ 104 updated to include a link to FAQ 207 (How do I ...).
[link] FAQ 183 updated to reflect new voice post menus.
[link] Typo in FAQ 175 fixed.
[link] FAQ 183 updated to link to /voicepost/ instead of /phonepost/, and FAQ 184 updated to link to /voicepost/ogg.bml instead of /phonepost/ogg.bml.
[link] FAQ 16 and FAQ 235 updated to explain what happens when you delete a journal that's signed up for automatic payments.
[link] [link] [link] FAQ 156 completely rewritten to explain LiveJournal's new time zone support.
[link] FAQ 1 updated to state that the userpic upload form will not display if you're at or above your userpic limit.
[link] A whole bunch of customization FAQs were updated/rewritten (7, 175, 13, 12, 145, 176, 124), moved (175, 13, 12, 145), added (251, 250), and/or hidden (174). Thanks,