announced in lj_support
remove the requirement that userpics have keywords.
you can now use userpics even if they don't have keywords... it'll just be ugly
and users will have to select their userpic by number. which will motivate them
all the more to go give them keywords.
web/clients/etc will all show "pic#23423" as an option now, and that's
respected, even though it doesn't actually exist as a userpic keyword.
Userpics will be mapped to mood names
magic userpic keyword for mood mapping
that is, now (or soon) the userpic for an entry will be determined
by the post's mood, if there's userpic keyword defined on a post.
that is, you can put the keyword "sad" on a userpic, and if you ever
use the mood "sad" on a post, it uses your sad userpic.