Because my dreams are bursting at the seams... (androshd) wrote in lj_userdoc,
Because my dreams are bursting at the seams...

FAQ 78 Enhancements

Regarding converting a personal journal into a community: Maura and I played around with this and realized that the process for Friends during conversion isn't very clear in the below FAQ.

Convert a Journal to a Community: You only want to convert one of your journals into a community if you are willing to delete all existing entries manually (add link to FAQ 2 or FAQ 126) and you are aware that communities cannot be converted back to personal journals. Go to the Community Conversion page and enter the other journal's username and password to convert it into a community and define various settings. Any accounts which list the journal account you are converting as a Friend will be automatically transferred over to the new community as a watcher (add FAQ 179 link), and may need to join the community (add link to FAQ 101) depending on the settings that you define. No accounts will automatically be granted membership in the community.
Tags: cat-comm-manage, faq78, status-resolved

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