Connie (intrepia) wrote in lj_userdoc,

OpenID Commenting

jai_dit helped me test this, and it appears that FAQ #231 is wrong in saying "Currently on LiveJournal, OpenID comments count as anonymous comments for the purpose of allowing comments or screening comments by default."

What actually happens is:

* If "Enable commenting from" is set to "Registered users," then the OpenID account will get a "OpenID users are not authorized to reply to this entry" error when attempting to comment, regardless of whether it is listed as a friend. [So, OpenID comments do count as anonymous comments for the purpose of allowing comments.]

* If "Enable commenting from" is set to "Everybody" and "Screen comments from" is set to "Anonymous commenters," then the OpenID account will be able to comment unscreened (on public entries if it is not listed as a friend and on both public and protected entries if it is listed as a friend). [So, OpenID comments count as comments from registered users for the purpose of screening comments.]
Tags: cat-comments, faq231, status-resolved

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