Mister Baltimore (av8rmike) wrote in lj_userdoc,
Mister Baltimore

FAQ# 169: Links List

The Manage Links List page was removed, and .../manage/links.bml redirects to .../customize/options.bml, but the language in FAQ 169 should probably be tweaked.

Changing this:
Add, modify order, or delete links from your Link List by visiting the Links List page while logged in.

to something like:
Add, modify order, or delete links from your Link List by visiting the Links List tab on the Customize Journal Settings page while logged in.

Come to think of it, the wording in the sentence above should also be changed, since the Custom Options tab doesn't exist anymore:
Enable your Link List by changing the Link List Support option to "Yes" on the Customize Journal Settings page. In some layouts, this option will be found under the Sidebar or Modules tab in the Customize Your Theme section.
Tags: cat-customize, faq169, status-resolved

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