FunBux™ Commissioner (gerg) wrote in lj_userdoc,
FunBux™ Commissioner

Where to get notification for expunged usernames isn't documented

As seen on, the page says "Waiting for a particular deleted username? Sign up to receive a notification once it becomes available", yet as far as I can tell, there is no documentation anywhere on the site on where to get the notification.

My suggestion is rewording those sentences to read "If you are waiting for a specific deleted username to become available, you can register to receive a notification when the username is available for you to rename to by viewing the deleted user's profile page. You can view their profile page at (Replace exampleusername with the user name you want.)"

Alternately, something could be added to FAQ 25, like what I suggested above.
Tags: cat-accounts, faq25, status-resolved

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