I've now finished up a draft of a (somewhat limited) color chart and put it on my goathack. I say limited because there are only 216 listed colors (out of the 16.7 million possible). However, this should be useful enough for Support's purposes at this time.
The chart is located at http://goathack.livejournal.org:8055/docs/color_codes.html
If you wish to add to the chart, you'll need to email me (or a possible future maintainer should I hand over this project) a full 36-color set of columns (which is the number of colors each set of columns has), and if possible in this stylistic format (no, it doesn't technically make a difference, but it saves me from having to reformat it):
<td class="charthead">Hex Code
<td class="charthead">Color
<tr class="chart">
<td bgcolor="#99FFFF">
<tr class="chart">
<td bgcolor="#990000">
Any revisions, comments, questions, complaints, etc. should be left in a comment to this post.
Many thanks to both eefster