ファビュラス マックス (jai_dit) wrote in lj_userdoc,
ファビュラス マックス

adult content flagging

I'd like to move 281, the "how do I mark my posts as inappropriate for underages" FAQ out of "Conflicts with Other Users". The "what happens if other people flag my stuff and it gets sent to Abuse" is really only a mention in a sentence or two; the rest of the FAQ is really "how do I flag my own stuff" and user-ed about what happens when you run into flagged stuff. It would be real nice to change the title to include something about "what are these confirmation screens I keep seeing" or something, and also have the FAQ link to 162, since that comes up in Support a fair bit as well.

So, I suggest it be moved to "LiveJournal Features and Navigation". I could kind of see it going to Security just because it's technically a way to control who can read your entries, although it's definitely an unreliable way to filter out minors since people can lie about their birthdates. But it does seem to go better in Features IMO.

edit: All that has been done, but the FAQ needs some rewriting attention. :)
Tags: cat-features, faq281, faqcat change, status-resolved

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