By default, community maintainers can create new tags for the community and community members can add tags to entries; community maintainers must add new tags to entries before members can see or use them for entries. Maintainers can change community tag settings at the Manage Tags page. Community tag permissions can be granted to everyone, members only, a custom Friends group, or maintainers only.
By default, community maintainers can create new tags for the community and community members can add tags to entries; community maintainers must add new tags to entries before members can see or use them for entries. Maintainers can change community tag settings at the Manage Tags page. Community tag permissions can be granted to everyone, members only, a custom Friends group, or maintainers only. Existent tags also could be permitted to add by entry's authors and maintainers. ([[gmlitem:/manage/tags.bml.setting.auth