ファビュラス マックス (jai_dit) wrote in lj_userdoc,
ファビュラス マックス

account levels faqcat

It seems to me that the Account Levels faqcat really has become the "Advertisements" faqcat. Of the 11 FAQs there currently, 7 of them refer either to advertisements directly or changing to/from the Plus account level: 299, 262, 263, 266, 267, 265, and 288. 7 are actually about account levels (there is some overlap): 38, 131, 262, 263, 283, 114, and 288, but that leaves 4 that really have nothing to do with "levels" and are solely about ads.

Since we already have two other Accounts-related faqcats (Accounts, and payments), but nowhere that logically makes sense for the ad-related FAQs to go, I propose we rename Account Levels to "Advertisements", and move the non-ad FAQs to a related category. This would mean:

38 (Can I use LJ for free / what are the account levels), 283 (What is an OpenID account) to Accounts
131 (Paid Account benefits), 114 (Paid Account expiring) to Account Payments

Edit: And since I just found these while browsing, 273 and 289 would come out of Communities, since both FAQs deal with forms of advertising (albeit within a community, but since the way you establish either is "contact LJ's ads division"...)

Advertisements would then look like this:
* Why are there ads on LiveJournal? How do I remove ads from my journal?
* How do I earn money from ads on my journal? What is Your Journal - Your Money?
* What are the Plus Account benefits? How do I switch to or from a Plus Account?
* How do I downgrade to Basic? What happens when I downgrade from Plus to Basic?
* How do I customize my ad settings?
* How does LiveJournal decide which ads to show me? What information do you share with advertisers?
* What are LiveJournal's guidelines on acceptable ads?
* What are sponsored communities? How do I set one up?
* What are partner communities? How do I inquire about partnering with LiveJournal?

The only organizational downside here that I can see is that it splits up the "Paid account expires" FAQ from the other two account level change FAQs, "downgrade to basic" and "switch to/from Plus". Well, that and Accounts is slightly on the large side already, and adding two faqs to it won't help (although I could see 38 being fine in Payments too).

Tags: cat-levels, rfc, status-pending

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