ファビュラス マックス (jai_dit) wrote in lj_userdoc,
ファビュラス マックス

tweaks to 61 "What are friends?"

The "Add Friend" section needs to talk about the menu on the right side of the profile, instead of the blue toolbar at the top of the profile. Also, probably need to change to .

Hmm, "there are three ways to manage your friends list" is incorrect now. Hover menu's one, nav strip is another, admin console's a third. Also, you can manually construct the URL instead of clicking the button. Although, changing the wording up so that it's not implied to be an all-inclusive list would probably be okay as well.

Now that I think of it, is the old profile Nudge icon actually used anywhere anymore? It's just a text link on the new profile. So 258 will also need a tweak. I think the other new profile icons are fine as-is, since vgifts don't use one, messages and notes are up to date (considering their FAQs are newer than the new profile), and the Track button is used elsewhere in the site scheme. Can't think of any other old profile icons that are still unused, off the top of my head anyway.
Tags: cat-security, faq258, faq61, status-pending

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