- Go through the existing FAQs and check to make sure the new linkbar/comment icons are showing up correctly in the FAQs with proper height/width attributes. May also be a good opportunity to make sure that FAQs on features with an icon actually include the image.
- I don't think there are a lot of these, but make sure that anything that references site scheme menus is still up to date with the menu reordering (also, check for correct translation strings?)
Tell A Friend vs Share This, top-level entry already posted here- Lock comments feature
- Tag count has been added to Tag management page
Vgifts profile display thingalready updated thanks tosonneta!
- /mobile/ type FAQs need updating. m.lj.com now default, plus the index.bml thing to get to the old version.
- Deleted account message - I'm not sure if we have anything that covers this explicitly.
- Vgifts - block from anon senders option
- How detailed do we cover XML-RPC in the FAQs? And FOAF? Both of these got tweaked so check them.
- Make sure Facebook Connect thing is up to date
- Mood theme behavior - No longer possible to put dimensions in on the wizard, so 64 needs to be amended. We should also give clearer directions on the admin console commands, since depending on what comes out of LJSV-1015 some users may need to use the height/width arguments to fix mood theme brokenness on friends pages.
R63 summary
There is a typo (or two) in FAQ232. I'm talking about the following sentence: Ddd them to your Friends list them with the Add Friend button at…
New FAQ: How do I deal with spam?
This FAQ is meant to tie together all of our spam-related information, currently spread over several different categories. Ideally, I'd like to have…
Identity Account FAQs
As LiveJournal Support regularly uses the term identity accounts both in answers to users and amongst themselves, and some system pages refer to…
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