Trixie Leitz (trixieleitz) wrote in lj_userdoc,
Trixie Leitz

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My Guests - opt-in/out information?

Is how to opt in or out of My Guests documented anywhere? Because I can't find it :(

If not, I come bearing wording, either to pop into 298 or to incorporate into a new FAQ. Ideally, the FAQ linked by the help symbol next to My Guests on the Privacy tab would contain this information prominently displayed. That currently links to FAQ298, and I suspect that that link would be hard to change, so maybe this all needs to be in FAQ298? Or maybe overhaul 298 and move some of the info currently in it to one or more new FAQs?

Anyway, wording!

You can opt in to My Guests on the Privacy tab of My Account Settings. Check the checkbox next to My Guests and click the Save button. Please note that changing this setting will take 24 hours to take effect. After 24 hours, you will be visible when you visit journals which have also opted in to My Guests, and you will start to see visitors on your My Guests page. If, after 24 hours, you do not see visitors on your My Guests page, your browser may have cached an older version of the page.

To opt out of My Guests, uncheck the My Guests checkbox on the Privacy tab of My Account Settings and click the Save button. Please note that changing this setting will take 24 hours to take effect. After 24 hours, you will no longer be visible when you visit other journals, and you will no longer see visitors on your My Guests page.
Tags: cat-features, faq298, faqadd, status-resolved

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