A lurking goblin marionette (danceinacircle) wrote in lj_userdoc,
A lurking goblin marionette

Facebook, Twitter, and Pingbacks, oh my!

I have the flu and really really need to sleep, so this will be a bit brief.

279 has been revised to include Twitter and to note the changes to the Facebook Connect functionality.

314 has been added, discussing how to change a Facebook or OpenID account into a full LJ account. There are no variables in this FAQ, so if you feel like tossing some in, go ahead.

293 was unhidden, but I couldn't remember where it lived before, so it's in Comments until someone moves it to where it belongs.

283 still needs to be updated to reflect Facebook accounts, but I found that there are some differences between facebook and openid accounts, so that will probably be updated tomorrow when I am feeling a bit better.

Questions, comments, concerns? What'd I miss?
Tags: faq279, faq283, faq293, faq314, status-resolved

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