Every LiveJournal user can customize the popular entries rating, which is displayed on the main page. It can be done on the main page or on the Manage Ratings page.
Managing Ratings on the main page
On the main LiveJournal page in the upper right corner there is a box with ratings view settings. There you can choose:
- Hide or show multiple posts from the same account
- Hide or show posts from friends
- Hide or show read posts and blocked users.
Hovering the cursor over an entry on the main page you can:
- Mark entry as read
- Hide the entry's author from the rating (this user or community will be added to the blacklist).
«[[gmlitem:/manage/ratings.bml.page title]]» page
If you do not want to see at top ratings entries from certain journals or communities, you can add them to blacklist. You can do this on the page «[[gmlitem:/manage/ratings.bml.pagetitle]
What if I wish to return hidden journal to top of Ratings?
If you change your mind and decide to restore certain journals to top, you can do this on the «[[gmlitem:/manage/ratings.bml.pagetitle]
Some hints about adjusting your Ratings view
- When you hide a journal from the top: when hiding posts function is enabled, you will not see entries from this journal in the Rating. However, if the journal's owner posts an entry to a community and this entry makes it to the top, you will see it in the Rating as well.
- When you hide a community from the top: when hiding posts function is enabled, you will not see entries from this community in the Rating, regardless who have written these entries. If one of the community members post an entry to his/her personal journal or to another community and this entry makes it to the top, you will see it in the Rating as well.
- Promo and "must-read" are always displayed. If promo contains an entry from the journal or community you have hidden, you will see it anyway.