Below is the miniature picture you have uploaded to represent you throughout the LiveJournal site and in your journal and in your friends' journals:
SHOULD read...
Below is the miniature picture you have uploaded to represent you throughout the LiveJournal site, in your journal, and in your friends' journals:
If you checked the above option, you may also choose to hide your email address (while still showing other contact information),only show your livejournal email address (paid accounts only), or to show them both.
SHOULD read...
you checked the above option, you may also choose to hide your email address (while still showing other contact information),only show your livejournal email address (paid accounts only), or show them both.
If you have the above option selected and are afraid spam-robots will find your email address on LiveJournal, select this option and your email address will be modified so your email address won't be found by email-collecting robots.
Whoa... is it just me or does that repeat itself? it SHOULD say...
If you are afraid spam-robots will find your email address on LiveJournal, select this option and your email address will be modified so it will not be found by email-collecting robots.
okay, i'm getting picky but...
Here you can enter a little mini-biography about yourself that will show up on your user-info page.
Here you can enter a mini-biography about yourself that will show up on your user-info page.
Anyway... I just thought I would point those things out ;-)
I just noticed that first one when i was updating my user info and thought "heh.."
*jack ;-)